Finding Me Through Me

A while back, I received a critique by a renowned photographer telling me that my images looked as if I was afraid of shooting them.
Those words shocked me as if all my insecurities and unsureness were seen.
Photographs are often said to be reflections of our inner selves. If that’s true, I’m scared.
But when I saw Francesca Woodman’s self-portraits, her courageous expressions inspired me:
to be brave and dare to face myself, not through reflections but straight on.
I was scared but curious about what would be visible. That is how I began this project.
If I faced the camera directly, would I find me through me?

The whole night of the reception was a blur, and as I recover from the exhaustion,
I feel another excitement quietly growing in my mind realizing what I’ve accomplished.
I’m so grateful to you for always supporting me and encourage me to keep going.


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